Is there a end for moore's law ?

What is moore's law ? #

Moore's Law, named after Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, states that the number of transistors on a computer chip doubles every two years, leading to exponential growth in computing power. This law has driven the tech industry for decades, enabling the development of faster, smaller, and more powerful devices which in fact is resposible for
the exponential growth boom we are seeing today .

# Nature stands in our way Transistors are basically semiconductors , and semiconductors are basically made of silicon . Silicon has some issues, which is it is made up of matter ! Silicon atoms are small , but so are transistors in comparison. So much so that the size of transistors is barely 5-7x the size of normal size of atoms . This creates a huge problem . If transistor size is decreased , let's say theoretically , there is a fixed size beyond which decreasing transistors size is just simply not possible , as the electrons in the diode would simply jump off the barrier potential .
# Uncertainity of Moore's Law Moore's law actually has never been accurate and is a general trend of the pace of technological innovation that reduces the size of transistors i.e. the chips . More smaller the transistors more we can fit them into the chip and as more we fit the more computing power we can draw from the same wafer as before . This is fundamentally the basic of increase in computational power of chips . But as the physical limits are a reality . It seems that beyond a certain point increase in computational power seems to be not only diffcult but also collapsing . This creates a paradoxical hoax that results in the uncertainity of moore's law in the aspect that transistors cannot bend the rules of physics.
# The Harsh Reality Unless there is a new kind of technology which can really alter the world we see around us , which around half a century ago semiconductors did . It's difficult to say anything the least that we would be able to leapfrog in computational advances without the emergence of new innovative tehcnologies. A recent such technology is seen , but is still in progess , it is Quantum computing . It has high potential and very absurd to understand logic but if succesfull . It is the very *revolution* we are looking for to advance the humanity.


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